The most secure places on Earth

1 – Fort Knox, Kentucky (USA)

Home to America’s monetary assets, Fort Knox is renowned for being one of the most secure places on Earth. It is said that around 5,000 tons of gold are housed here (that’s almost 2 percent of all gold on Earth!). To ensure it is completely safe, there is a bank vault hidden deep within a basement of the depository that has a 250-ton door at its entrance. If that wasn’t enough, the entire location is surrounded by a military camp to ward off any intruders.


2 – Area 51, Las Vegas desert, Nevada (USA)

You’ve probably heard of Area 51, the high-security military research facility that’s famed for housing some of the world’s biggest secrets and coverups – and, to some, it’s known for concealing information on aliens and UFO sightings. Of course, we’ll probably never know because the level of security here is so high that what’s going on inside remains a total mystery. Motion sensors and patrols of armed guards are in constant use, always on the lookout for invasive forces. It’s so secure this is the best picture you can get!








3 – Vatican Secret Archives, Vatican City (Italy)

The Vatican is home to some of the most sacred and important religious documents and ledgers in history. There is an estimated 35,000 volumes of information on the Roman Catholic Church kept in a separate, secret building that’s not part of the Vatican Library. Ownership of this information is passed down from Pope to Pope, and it’s one of the most secret, mysterious places on Earth – very few photos of the building exists too.







4 – The White House, Washington, D.C. (USA)

18 acres of highly secure, protected land, The White House is the home of the President of the United States, staff members and other key officials and delegates. It remains one of the most heavily guarded buildings in the world, fit with an iron fence that envelopes the entire premises, bulletproof windows and well as a special secret service detail devoted to protecting the First Family at all times and at all costs.








5 – Bold Lane, Derby, England (UK)

We’re moving across the pond to Bold Lane – a street in the English county of Derbyshire. This location is known for having the world’s most secure multi-storey car park. Built in the 1970s, it’s open 24 hours a day and has 440 parking spots that are protected with individual barcodes, sensors and other high-tech security equipment – the barriers also come down if security is breached. The security measures were introduced in the 90s after the car park become a popular location for crime and drug use.








6 – The Granite Mountain Records Vault, Utah, USA

Owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, this building is home to the largest archive of genealogical records and historical information – approximately 3 billion pages of family history! The building is based inside the Granite Mountain in Utah, and the atmosphere is climate controlled to ensure the documents remain preserved.








7 – Saddam Hussein’s Bunker, Baghdad (Iraq)

It’s not known just how many rooms the bunker had, but the main room did have impressive 60-foot high ceilings! The building was designed to protect Saddam Hussein in the event of a military attack, withstand the blast of a nuclear bomb, and had room for about 50 people. Located nearly 100 feet underground, the bunker was the epitome of security – three-ton Swiss-made doors, 5 foot thick walls, 6 foot thick reinforced concrete ceiling and two escape tunnels. It withstood several US attacks, including bunker busters and 20 cruise missiles.







8 – Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs (USA)

Home to a number of government organisations, the Cheyenne Mountain Complex is the intelligence, command and control centre for the United States Space Command missions and the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). Built during the Cold War, this high-security facility features super-strength blast doors. Don’t know what a blast door is? It’s a huge door built to protect against a nuclear blast. These particular doors can survive a multi-megaton nuclear detonation and each door weighs 25 tons.

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