Raising Awareness and Standards with NASDU

Security Dog

Veritech Leading the Way in Raising Awareness and Standards with NASDU (National Association of Security Dog Users

NASDU is a non-profit organisation established in 1996 to improve standards for security dog users. It adopted BS 8517 Part 1 Security Dogs and Part 2 Detection Dogs as its code of practice for all member companies deploying dog teams. The British Standards Institute works closely with NASDU when producing and updating standards, understanding their unrivalled experience and commitment.

At Veritech, we appreciate the need to not only be a member of NASDU but also fully adhere to their standards and implement regulatory and advisory updates. We are listed with NASDU as an Associate Company Member who has been approved to the requirements of the SIA Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) and have provided a written undertaking to adhere to the Code of Practice BS 8517.

Our Health and Safety Director, Stuart Wright, was so impressed with the knowledge of their Head Trainer, Roger, when booking courses that he decided to attend the management course with our management team responsible for the deployment of security dog teams. Since attending the course, he has produced and implemented all new policies, procedures, risk assessments, and a range of documents to deploy and continually assess the dog unit standards.

Customers considering using security dog teams on their site must conduct due diligence on the company they are considering. An SIA ACS-approved company must be able to demonstrate how they meet all the BS8517 standards and provide the documentation for risk assessments, assignment instructions, proof of NASDU level 2 training, and examples of all inspection/assessment forms used. A competent manager should be able to answer all questions relating to legal standards, safety, animal welfare, and emergency procedures while you are interviewing them.

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