How to Secure a Vacant Commercial Property

Vacant Commercial Property Security

Over the past year, more commercial properties have been left empty for long periods of time. Regardless of what your property is usually used for, it is essential to protect a commercial property while vacant to ensure it doesn’t suffer break-ins, vandalism or fire leading to costly repairs and expensive delays. By following these tips listed below, you’ll be able to secure your empty commercial property to reduce the risk of crime and damage.


CCTV Cameras

CCTV Perimeter Security CompanyCCTV is one of the most common ways to secure an empty commercial property and can also act as a deterrent for criminals. CCTV offers you 24-hour surveillance of your property and can either be purchased or hired. The visuals and recorded media this system provides is crucial for monitoring criminal activity and offers assistance in court claims. A good CCTV system will allow you to watch your building from anywhere in the world on your mobile device. This is one of the most straightforward security solutions for an empty property and can be used on buildings of any size. It’s an excellent option for anyone with multiple facilities to look after, as you can check they are all safe and secure from the comfort of your home. With modern systems such as behaviour analysis, cameras can alert you to entry or movement with high degrees of accuracy, we have personally had great success with HIK Vision’s answer to this, VCA, and use it on all our customer sites. CCTV can also be monitored by a control centre from as little as £40 per week, providing complete security and dynamic audio deterrents through built-in speakers. Monitored CCTV systems also vastly reduce the time taken to contact the police, meaning your vacant commercial property is only minutes away from a response.


Access Control

Bio Metrix Access Control for Vacant PropertyAn access control security system is a far superior alternative to classic lock and key systems for property owners. It offers a high tech upgrade and gives your commercial property a secure yet modern image. Upon installing an access control system, you’ll be provided with the software and hardware to identify your workers. With multiple different identification check options, this is a fantastic solution for commercial properties, offices, and construction sites. These are a huge deterrent for criminals and show your investment in the security of your property. Key card RFID systems allow for around-the-clock access to those who need it, while keeping those who do not at bay. Alternatively, you can use pin code access systems, meaning anyone visiting the vacant property can safely enter.


Security Guards

Security Guard Patrolling Vacant Property

There’s no better way to deter criminals from your empty commercial property than employing a team of security guards. Manned guarding or dog handlers can be used to watch over your vacant commercial property. Overall a physical presence on your property is always the most effective. Security guards can be employed to fit your needs, whether you need it as a permanent or temporary measure. You may want to use this solution twenty-four hours a day, or just during the night-time if that’s the main period of concern and you need a cost-effective security measure.

Securing your vacant property with security guards is, without doubt, the most effective way to protect unoccupied buildings, things like fly-tipping and criminal damage such as broken windows can be much better prevented with boots on the ground.




Perimeter Detection Systems

Perimeter Detection Security System HampshireA perimeter detection system will protect your site, detecting criminals before they can even approach your empty commercial property. The system will run around the entire perimeter of your site and is one of the most effective solutions for securing an empty property. If someone is trying to enter your property, a response officer will be sent to avoid further damage or theft. This is an ideal solution for large sites and can be used in conjunction with security guards to cover areas they can’t easily see. A perimeter Alarm system uses a network of infrared beams and is completely wireless, meaning it can be deployed in the most rural of locations without compromising on security for your commercial property, important given the increased risk of properties away from built-up areas.


Mobile Patrols

During the hours when your commercial property is empty, mobile patrols allow you to still have a human presence on the site. You can either select random or scheduled visits, which will deter anyone who is watching your property. During these visits, access points will be checked, and you’ll enjoy up to an hour of security at a time. This solution can be tailored to your needs and is a good option to employ before resorting to full-time security guards.


Perimeter Security Systems

Vacant Commericial Property Steel Boarded WindowA vacant property is naturally at a far higher risk of receiving unwanted attention or criminal activity. Securing your property is the best way to avoid anyone entering and can be an affordable solution when your property is empty. Galvanized steel is often used to secure the doors and windows, using security bolts to prevent opportunistic removal. The presence of a perimeter security system will deter potential criminals and can be installed on the interior or exterior of your building. Other options include steel screens and hoardings, protecting a commercial building or residential property from unwanted intruders gaining access.


All of these solutions listed above are reliable options for anyone looking to secure an empty commercial property this year. Whether you use just one solution or a combination of the suggestions listed above, you’ll deter criminals and protect your property from damage. With more buildings than ever before sitting empty at this current time, it’s crucial to secure your property until you resume normal operations. Veritech Systems offers all of these services and more, we are committed to protecting your empty property. Contact Veritech Systems today for a bespoke security service that keeps you protected.


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