Cybercrime: How to stop criminals infiltrating your business.

It’s 2017, and even the smallest, least tech-savvy business will have an online presence of some kind. Cybercrime can have a devastating effect on any business and can leave you very exposed. There are a number of methods that criminals may use to access your data, and as such, a number of methods you can use to keep them out.

Modern businesses are extremely reliant on the internet, which means that criminals are increasingly making the move from physical crime to cybercrime. In fact, there are known links between cybercrime and international terrorism, so keeping your business’ data secure is no small matter. You can check to see whether your accounts have been compromised by checking here. Now, let’s take a look at some of the ways to keep cyber criminals out of your data.


Trusted Firewall and Antivirus Software

Perhaps the most obvious suggestion is ensuring that your business has up to date Firewall and AntiVirus software. Viruses take a number of forms; they can be used to log your keystrokes and steal your passwords, they can turn your PC into a host for nefarious activities, they can erase valuable data, or they can simply brick your computer altogether. Investing in good antivirus software, and teaching your employees to better use computers is the first line of defence against cybercrime.

Additionally, the government suggest a 3 pronged approach. Strong passwords, security software on all accounts and ensuring that all software updates are downloaded. These simple cybersecurity methods are the online equivalent of locking your front door.

Access Control Can Prevent Cyber Crime

With the first line of defence covered, it’s time to look into preventing other methods of infiltration. Preventing cybercrime relies on covering physical security as well as digital. Cybercrime also covers identity fraud, and many cybercriminals will attempt to obtain personal and confidential data in an attempt to do your business harm. Access control on your building can prevent tailgating and unauthorised people accessing your building in an attempt to steal data.

Learn more about access control in Southampton

Cybercrime Occurs Out of Hours

As with all criminals, if cybercriminals are going to try to access your premises, they’re most likely going to attempt it at night. There are a number of security methods you can use to hinder their entrance. Motion sensors, alarms, mobile patrols or manned guarding will either deter or catch those seeking to break into your business.

CCTV Systems Prevent Cybercrime

Properly positioned CCTV in car parks and your building’s entrances will act as both a deterrent and evidence in the case of your building being accessed by an unauthorised party after hours. It’s incredible how simple protecting your building from having valuable data stolen can be.

Learn more about CCTV cameras

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