Coronavirus Statement Of Intent

Veritech Systems continues to monitor and mitigate the COVID-19 Impact with the following intended actions. 

1. Veritech is monitoring the current situation and government guidance on the Coronavirus outbreak, duty of care to our staff, suppliers, subcontractors and customers is of paramount importance and we felt it important to update you regarding our current position on coronavirus.

2. Our Senior Management are meeting daily to discuss our position in relation to changes to the Government advice, our customer’s needs and available resources.

3. We have contingency plans in place to ensure the continuity of security staff on our customer’s sites and in our 24/7 control Room. This includes maintaining our high standards of health & safety with a specific emphasis on lone working and emergency response.

4. Following advice from customers we have introduced an interim essential business travel policy to limit travel and business meetings which we will continue to monitor as the advice from Government evolves. Our policy covers:

5. Minimising travel to business meetings with subcontractors, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders.

6. Stopping the supply of security to any new events.

7. Postponing non-essential meetings at our offices and sites with subcontractors, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders (video/audio conference calls where possible).

8. Restricting all Visitors to our offices, with permission being granted on an individual basis by our H&S Director.

9. To ensure the safety of Veritech staff, visitors and our customers we need to ensure we all work together to minimise the effects of transmission, therefore we have put in place the following procedures:

10. Cleaning – additional cleaning is taking place at our offices, with the addition of hand sanitisers.

11. Staff training – a series of toolbox talks, information guides and meetings are being held to ensure our staff are equipped with the knowledge to work safely.

12. We will continue to communicate with you on a regular basis as Government advice gets updated, however rest assured that we are monitoring this closely and ensuring that we are as prepared as we can be.

13. Should you wish to discuss anything specific please contact a member of the Veritech management team on 02380 000 400.

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