Veritech has another FIR Ambassador

Veritech has another FIR Ambassador, Stuart Wright, Veritech’s Health & Safety Director, who has successfully completed comprehensive training through the Supply Chain Sustainability School. This training equipped him with the expertise to advocate for social sustainability, equal opportunity, fairness, inclusion, and respect both within Veritech Security and the broader community. Stuart’s training emphasised fostering a more inclusive and supportive workplace environment for everyone at Veritech.
His appointment is a crucial part of our company’s larger sustainability initiative, enabling us to lead by example and implement best practices that ensure fairness, inclusivity, and respect throughout our organisation and in our external partnerships.
Furthermore, this appointment strengthens our ongoing commitment to inclusive recruitment and diversity, supporting the initiatives we have already set in motion. We are fully committed to ensuring that our FIR objectives remain at the heart of our vision and mission.


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